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Environmental Science + Policy

Start making an impact on your future (and everyone else’s) by using environmental science and policy to take on major issues like climate change.


Tainted drinking water, beaches closed due to contaminants, endangered honeybees, weather extremes—today’s environmental challenges can seem overwhelming. But in this workshop, we'll work to find solutions that can help our planet by investigating everything from fundamental chemistry to environmental policy.  

Can we protect natural resources while still making sure people have what they need to live? Can we really tackle climate change in the face of all the money and politics involved?  How can scientists, politicians, and business leaders cooperate on environmental rules? Team up with your friends in case studies and simulations to tackle challenges from international conflicts over scarce resources, to declining biodiversity, to the immediate and long-term threats posed by climate change. Design experiments, develop policy solutions, even devise proposals to take back to your own communities to help make a positive impact on your world.

Junior Kids

What you'll do


Start Some Chemistry

Collect and test water samples for contaminants, while developing policies to protect the biodiversity of water bodies. From Lake Waban to filtered fountains, what will you find when you look at water under the microscope?


Make Change

Navigate a local environmental issue by developing your own policies and strategies to help society adapt. Use sustainable engineering to find ways to help reduce pollution, reverse climate change, and improve quality of life for all within the ecosystem.


Rotten Recycling

Discover where trash goes on a local and global scale— then determine how waste systems can be improved to reduce pollution. Get your hands dirty and dig into compost to see how it generates free, nutrient-rich soil for growing all kinds of things. 


Be Resourceful

Examine how scarcity of resources, like clean water and land, leads to global issues as you enter an international negotiation simulation. Discuss how to best mitigate climate change: implement a carbon tax? Increase renewable energy sources? Come to a decision— the planet depends on it.