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Summertime safety + health at EXPLO 

All EXPLO programs take place in exceedingly safe environments. The suburban college campuses where we create our special worlds for kids, teens, and tweens are watched over by campus security services around the clock, and our health center is staffed by nurses 24/7.

While EXPLO’s programs help students prepare for the greater independence of middle school, high school, and college, we are dedicated to keeping all  students safe and healthy during their time here. We adjust our level of supervision according to the grade and maturity levels of our students, ensuring that each age group receives a developmentally appropriate and safe level of oversight and guidance.
Business, Math + Economics

Emotional health

In order to learn and have fun, students need to know that our campus is a safe place. That’s why our live-in Resident Directors and Resident Advisors are observant and trained to respond to students’ needs, whether it’s soothing homesickness, helping iron out an interpersonal conflict, or lending a friendly ear. Our staff, including our live-in Deans, are ready to provide compassionate emotional support any time of day or night.

General Questions + Outreach

Physical health

We maintain a health center exclusively for EXPLO use on our Junior, Intermediate, and Wellesley campuses, staffed by nurses 24/7. The health center stores and administers (with some exceptions) medications. Families will be notified about any health center visit that requires off-site medical attention or an overnight stay. We do not notify families about basic first aid for scrapes and bruises, or minor ailments (e.g., an upset stomach or headache).


All students and faculty must be immunized against communicable, preventable diseases in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and mandatory state requirements. EXPLO does not recognize or allow religious exemptions to immunizations. 

EXPLO strongly recommends all students receive the most recent Booster for COVID-19 before attending EXPLO. 

For specific immunization requirement details, contact the Admission Office.


Depending on grade level, some medications taken regularly are eligible for student self-administration on campus. Student self-administration requires approval from the student’s parent/guardian and EXPLO’s Health Office Director. All medications that are not approved for self-administration are stored in the Health Office and administered by an EXPLO nurse.

Any student who is in need of an inhaler or an EpiPen should bring two to the program. One will be kept with them throughout the day and the other will be stored in the Health Office.

For specific details regarding medication policy, contact the Admission Office.

Nut allergies

We’re aware that some students have allergies, including severe allergies to nuts. Please communicate all allergy information to EXPLO prior to arrival for a summer program in order for our Health and Student Life offices to collaborate on an effective support plan.