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Coding + Robotics

Programming and coding are the ‘magic’ of all technology—and in this workshop, you become the magician.

About this Workshop

Campus: Regis College | Rising Grades: 4,5

Have you ever wondered how a video game character knows when to jump or run, how a tablet responds to your every touch, or how you can stream a movie with just one click? Practice speaking the language of robots and computers by using conditional “if/then” logic. Use commands based on binary code to get a robot through a maze your classmates create. Or, design and build your own interactive online story that you can share with friends at EXPLO and at home. From functions and loops to basic Boolean logic, if you’re ready to explore programming, your wish is our command!

Required Materials: Students in this class need a parent/guardian to create a Scratch account online for their use during the summer. We’ll send instructions to enrolled students in the spring.


Use the Scratch platform to visually tell a story or teach your classmates about a cause important to you.

Code the Sphero and Dash robots to navigate mazes and obstacle courses.

Explore the concepts of programming through interactive play. 

Collaborate and communicate with others as you program creative challenges.