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Join Francisco at EXPLO Intermediate! 

Take a trip through his day and see all he discovered. What will you learn about the world, and yourself, during your own EXPLO day?



What Lights Me Up

“Business, finance, investments—I love it all. I’ve built my own stock portfolios with friends in school, but it’s not real money (fortunately, sometimes!). I think I’d want to go into business myself, maybe launch my own if I can get funding.”



Age: 14, rising 9th grader

Program: EXPLO 360º Overnight

My Day at EXPLO

Morning Huddle
7:45 AM

I was featured in this morning’s EXPLO Update video! I got to give the weather forecast, and my roommate talked about the day’s activity options.  

8:00 AM

My friends and I love making our own sandwiches. I always go for a bagel, then add eggs and bacon. When we’re done eating, we usually play frisbee on the lawn.

Workshop 1
9:15 AM

Investment + Portfolio Management

Short-selling is pretty risky, but we’re learning it anyway!

Workshop 2
10:15 AM

Exploring Entrepreneurship

We have our shark tank even tomorrow, so we practiced our pitches today in our teams.

12:00 PM

I usually play basketball for a bit with some of my friends from class while we wait for my other friends to come back from classes, and then we all go down to the dining hall together. Today I had baked ziti and some salad.

1:15 PM


We played doubles today. It’s fun and a good workout, but I think I’ll do better at Probability in Poker next week.

2:40 PM

Even though our check-ins are quick, one of my RAs always makes a point of checking in with me. This was especially nice for me during the first week when I was a little homesick.

Clubs, Leagues,
+ Activities
2:45 PM

I decided to try out Dungeons + Dragons club. I’ve never played before, but my roommate is really into it. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. 

Flex Time
4:15 PM

My friends and I sat at one of the picnic tables in the lawn and continued with the D&D campaign that we started during CLAs. 

5:45 PM

I got a slice of pizza and some roasted potatoes and sat with a few of my friends from Investment + Portfolio Management. After a few hours of learning new words for DnD, it was nice to talk to people about what I already know about.

6:45 PM

They were playing some old favorites on the loudspeakers, so we all started belting along. Usually I’m self-conscious about my singing voice, but when the whole camp is singing, you can’t really hear me. 

Evening Event
7:00 PM

Tonight was choice night. My friends and I chose the Ultimate Frisbee tournament. Our team came in second.

Dorm Check-In
9:15 PM

We usually end the night by going around and saying our highlights and lowlights from the day. Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one highlight. 

Room Curfew
10:15 PM

I'm excited for tomorrow! 

Pick your Classes. Make friends. Have summer fun.